5  Computing Resources

5.1 Nero GCP

Stanford’s Nero Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the environment often most suitable or required for the analysis of data sources discussed in Chapter 4. There are costs associated with Nero GCP and we must keep careful track of these.

If you have questions about which environment you should use for your data analyses, please ask so we can be certain to follow all data security and privacy requirements.

5.2 Sherlock

Stanford has a High Performance Computing cluster called Sherlock. See this information on getting started, connecting, and submitting jobs.

The Lab has a dedicated node on Sherlock. Lab members can view internal documentation on submitting jobs to our node here.

Sherlock is most frequently used for analyses involving simulated data as it is not designed for data with a high risk classification. If you have questions about which environment you should use for your data analyses, please ask so we can be certain to follow all data security and privacy requirements.

5.3 Software

Much of the software we use in the Lab is available open source for free. Please let Dr. Rose know if there is non-free software that would be helpful for your research and we can likely purchase this with research funds.

Statistical Computing
