10  Pre-Flight Checklist for Publications

10.1 Crosscheck

As discussed in Chapter 8 and Chapter 9, your analysis should be regularly checked for correctness and adherence to Lab agreements, not just at the end of the project. However, it’s useful to have a final check (by you and at least one other person) before submitting for publication. Regular code review will make this final check quicker and easier, so please do both.

Note: For pre-prints, run through this checklist for both uploading to the pre-print server as well as for when you formally submit the project to a journal.

10.2 Pre-Flight Checklist

10.2.1 Repository and Files

10.2.2 Code and Reproducibility

10.2.3 Submission

10.2.4 Acceptance

10.2.5 Opt-in Workflows (Section 9.10)